For partners

Partner with fournines

Unbiased advice, transparent communication, optimum solutions

fournines is a dedicated channel-only firm providing expert advice, support and guidance to help you deliver seamless IT solutions to your clients.

Leverage our professional, managed, cloud and consulting services to deliver the infrastructure and data centre solutions your clients need, while continuing to own the client relationship.

How we work

Our partners

Vendors, managed service providers (MSPs), resellers and other IT companies come to us for technical capabilities and to problem-solve client challenges.


We work closely with you to understand the problem, assess your client’s goals, document the best approach, agree on outcomes, and deliver the right solution.


We keep you and your client in the loop throughout the process clear feedback and communication is essential to project success.


How we engage


The discovery phase ensures we capture enough detail to formulate a solution to achieve your client’s desired outcomes. We provide you with a proposal to present to your client. If accepted, the project kicks off.


Following an initial meeting with you, we conduct an external kick-off session that involves your client and the key stakeholders. During these meetings, we confirm the project’s deliverables, expected outcomes and set target dates for completion.


Over the course of the project’s life cycle, we offer status updates and – depending on the project’s size and complexity – periodic meetings to manage expectations.


Once the solution is delivered, we conduct a final handover meeting with you and your client for project sign-off. A 30-day warranty period is provided for all projects. Once the solution is delivered, you invoice your client.

Why partner
with us?

Unbiased advice

Transparent communication

Optimum solutions


We understand you generally work with one technology stream or vendor. Take advantage of our broad expertise and access to a range of tech to deliver on your client’s requirements.


With the frequency of projects fluctuating throughout the year, we know you need the ability to offload certain projects, while still owning the client relationship and maintaining revenue and profits.


A high degree of complexity, legacy infrastructure or the business impact of systems being offline all heighten the level of risk involved in the project. Fournines has the experience across diverse verticals and industry segments to reduce this risk.

What happens if a customer comes to us directly?

While we are channel-only, we will work with customers who come to us directly to identify whether they are aligned with an existing partner. If not, we can introduce them to a partner that aligns with their requirements.

Interested in finding out how we can partner with you? Contact us and start the conversation.