fournines Data Protection Platform

The fournines Data Protection Platform is our platform to provide channel partners a secure and reliable platform to deliver backup, replication and disaster recovery capabilities to their customers. Utilising our expertise as Veeam Accredited Services Providers and our experience in delivering Veeam solutions for some of Australia’s largest companies, we developed the fournines Data Protection Platform to deliver the same reliability and security through the channel.

0 + PB
Of data under management
0 %
Uptime over the past 5 years

We utilise immutable storage to ensure data is protected from modification and deletion during the retention period you set when you send your backup data to us. The physical storage is in turn located in our secure racks in Sydney and Melbourne where only our vetted staff are able to access the physical environment.

Immutable storage is a form of data storage designed to retain that data for a minimum period of time without allowing the data to be changed or deleted. When used for backup data, immutable storage and immutable storage repositories are used to ensure that data which has been backed up is unable to be altered or removed, both for security and compliance reasons. From a compliance perspective, immutable storage ensures that a given set of data will be retained for a minimum period of time, in accordance with policies or regulations. From a security perspective, immutable storage ensures that data is unable to be changed, corrupted, or deleted by internal or external threats.

In order to properly utilise immutable storage, the associated backup copy job must declare the minimum retention period for that data. When the data is written to the repository, it is then locked-down such that no other users or programs can then change it, although it is still able to be read and restored. It is important to remember that this will set the minimum storage period. If you set a retention period of 10 years, you will not be able to delete that data until after that time has passed, and are responsible for storage charges during that time.

We break down usage into two categories, Veeam licensing and storage consumption. Veeam licensing is calculated based on the number of ‘points’ used per month, which vary based on the license edition being used and the product being backed up. Storage is billed based on 

Billed storage consumption each month is calculated based on the averaged point-in-time storage consumed each month. Our systems record the amount of storage consumed each hour for each tenant, and at the end of the month record the total amount of storage across all records, divided by the number of hourly records taken. When calculating the storage consumed, capacity is recorded as the whole-number of GB of data consumed, and the billable storage capacity is rounded to the nearest 1 GB for each tenant.

 Example 1

On the first of the month, ACME Corp has 100GB of data stored in the Cloud Connect portal. On the 16th of the month, another 100GB of data is added to the portal. At the end of a 30-day month, the billable capacity will be calculated as follows:  
  • Days 1-15: 100GB of data x 24 hours x 15 days = 36,000GB  
  • Days 16-30: 200GB of data x 24 hours x 15 days = 72,000GB  
  • Total recorded capacity = 108,000GB  
  • Billable Storage = 108,000 (total recorded capacity) / 720 (total records, 24 per day x 30 days) = 150GB billable storage  
Example 2

Bob the Builder begins using the Cloud Connect Service on the 25th of the month and uploads 1000GB of data. At the end of a 30-day month, the billable capacity will be calculated as follows:  
  • Days 1-24: 0GB of data x 24 hours x 24 days = 0GB  
  • Days 25-30: 1000GB of data x 24 hours x 6 days = 144,000GB  
  • Total recorded capacity = 144,000GB  
  • Billable Storage = 144,000 (total recorded capacity) / 720 (total records, 24 per day x 30 days) = 200GB billable storage  

Yes you can. While we offer the capability to utilise Veeam licensing via our portal, existing Veeam Service Providers are able to bring their existing VCSP agreements to our platform.

We work with our channel partners and their customers to provide solutions for their data backup needs. Whether you need a remote platform to store your backups or a full end-to-end backup deployment and management service, we can work with you to develop a solution to suit your business. Find out how to become a partner